May 15th, 2020
Do you focus on PROCESS or OUTCOME? It’s the secret to think you CAN or think you CAN’T
“Mindset 101: 3 Simple Steps to LEAP Forward”
- Have you experienced amazing transformations in recent years?
- Have you struggled to move forward, feel stuck or confused about HOW to advance an idea or your leadership?
The critical factor is ‘mindset’. It’s the key to struggling of advancing forward.
To transform your mindset from a fixed, contracted mindset to a growth, expansive mindset requires 3 SIMPLE steps to make the shift:
Awareness, Education, Action
They are simple steps that require you to stretch your thinking and take BOLD action.
Are you ready to expand your mindset for greater success?
The 3 core elements of mindset are your beliefs, feelings, and thoughts! Combined, these create your experiences.
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.”
Henry Ford
The story of Thomas Edison’s ‘mindset’ around his invention of the light bulb is a perfect example of how your mindset is often the difference between success and failure.
Thomas Edison was interviewed by a young reporter who boldly asked Mr. Edison if he felt like a failure after thousands of attempts to create a light bulb, and if he thought he should just give up.
Perplexed, Edison replied, “Young man, why would I feel like a failure? And why would I ever give up?
- I now know definitively over 9,000 ways that an electric light bulb will not work. Success is almost in my grasp.”
- And shortly after that, and over 10,000 attempts, Edison invented the light bulb.
There are two polar opposites related to mindset: a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. Edison, obviously, had a growth or expansive mindset.
These have been extensively researched by Carol Dweck, a world-renowned Stanford University Psychologist.
- In a fixed mindset, you adopt the perspective that you are born with certain talents with little room for developing new talents; your primary focus is on the OUTCOME, not the process or adventure of learning.
You also tend to accept what you know [or believe] to be true rather than questioning the status quo.
For example, if you believe that you can only advance your career one level at a time, the possibility of advancing two levels would never occur to you, so you wouldn’t even ask.
The paradox of a fixed mindset is often seen in people who experience BIG success.
- They begin to fear failure if they take a risk to stretch themselves.
- So, rather than continuing to grow and develop, they stay stuck and hit a plateau.
- In a growth mindset, you adopt the perspective that you can always learn to develop new talents and capabilities through mentoring and experience; your primary focus is on the PROCESS of growth and learning, not on the success or failure of the outcome.
For example, if a position opens up that really interests you and is two or even three levels above your current level, you’ll apply for the position to explore the possibility.
You’re thinking more about how you can position yourself in the best way possible for the position, rather than worry about being rejected.
- The Secret Is Beneath The Surface! Your unconscious beliefs create feelings of fear, doubt or confidence. These feelings create thoughts which then create your experiences.
So, if you have an unconscious belief that your income will never surpass a set point of $100K or $250K, challenges and obstacles start to show up just when you’re about to hit your money set point.
This is a major factor in people ‘struggling’ to advance, only to feel like they’re stuck or boxed into a corner.
- Are you open to stretching yourself and uncovering some of the hidden factors that drive your experiences?
The Coaching Challenge below is designed to help you take the first of 3 SIMPLE steps to shift your mindset:
Step 1. Increase Your Awareness.
Your Coaching Challenge: In the month ahead, identify a goal that you’ve wanted to achieve, but whenever you get close to the goal, something distracts you.
This could be a goal related to weight or fitness, money, relationship or your career.
1. Note the distractions that show up and get in your way.
2. Reflect on . . . How did you feel when you got distracted? What you were thinking about?
Since many people have experienced a career transition / career change, let’s use that as an example:
- During your transition, did you stand firm in your belief that you would succeed, feeling confident about the value that you would contribute? OR . . .
- Did you worry about the competition in the marketplace or feel discouraged when you faced rejection or obstacles?
3. Describe the process that would set you up to experience personal growth, remove the distractions, and help you to stretch yourself and step out of your comfort zone, i.e. shift your mindset.
According to Napolean Hill, “No man is ever whipped until he quits in his own mind.
Who is Gerrie?
Gerrie Dresser is CEO of Unique Impact and an internationally recognized Executive Coach, Branding & Impact Expert, and Speaker who works with organizations and leaders to courageously and strategically mobilize people and projects to new levels of brilliance. Clients elevate their impact and lead from the front with an authentic and influential personal brand.
Click here to contact Gerrie: